Tee Bylo

As a professional genealogist with an interest in tombstone symbolism – Tee Bylo is a seeker of elusive ancestors and a wanderer of graveyards as The Dead Sleuth.

From genealogical advice, family history research, probate transcription, archive retrieval, to photography, lineage reports and ancestral storytelling – The Dead Sleuth offers a rich menu of research services.

Passionate about the benefits of Ancestral Healing – Tee also works alongside those who are seeking to understand, reveal and free inherited grief and trauma from their family histories.

And with a love of family history, storytelling and Victorian crime – Tee is the founder of The Polite Tourist which offers unique walks through the unquiet streets of York, Scarboro’, Leeds and beyond.

Tee is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, Genealogical Speakers Guild and Society of Genealogists.

A fierce admirer of the poet Lord Byron – Tee is the author of the blog The Regency Recondite.

She lives in the ancient and ghostly City of York.

“Some men see things as they are and say why?
I dream things that never were and say why not?”

~ George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

#DeadSleuth #YorkyHistoryLass #RegencyRecondite

A Death Historian.

More From Tee Bylo.

The Headlines. The Story. A Life Interrupted.
Through York, Scarboro’ and Beyond.
Lord Byron, 1812 AND All That!
The Dead Sleuth. Genealogist. Grave Hunter. Professional Dead Botherer.
The Bête Noire of the Long Forgotten Dead.